Thursday, August 19, 2010

60 things about me

1. I come from a place that no longer exists. Every day I long for it

2. I do not like sweets in general, but I can eat a jar of nutella and a pint of coffee ice cream daily

3. My sisters are crazy (insane, really)… but I love them and miss them everyday

4. I’m a rebel for certain things, always have been … but I’m a diligent corporate employee, go figure!

5. I love backpackers. I look at them with envy every time I’m at an airport. I have tried to do back packing trips myself, but I always end-up picking my vertical 4-wheeled suitcase

6. I’m a latin lover… but not in a sex-type of way. I love latinamerica, the culture, the people, the languages. Nothing can be done about it

7. I’m 30+ and happily single. I refuse to settle for anything less than AMAZING. I do not buy the fact that you just have to make a commitment, suck it up and live unhappily ever after. I’m proud of me!

8. I love to spend time alone and travel alone. After you live in a household with 4 children under a dictatorial-communist regime (where private property and privacy does not exist) you never get tired of making all the decisions

9. I love surprises – all types, anytime, anywhere!

10. I want to turn the world around by doing little things that change somebody’s life

11. I can spend all day long on my PJs- which drives my parents crazy… happily, we no longer live together

12. I really enjoy reading but I do not have enough time for it. I keep buying books that I will never read

13. I have the best grandparents in the world; I’m so blessed!

14. I love dark- latin looking men but for some reason I tend to be with the blonder and whiter type. Self-inflicted boycott?

15. I do not have any post-modern hobbies like scuba diving or yoga. One day at the beach with enough diet coke and a good book does it for me (well, maybe diet coke is my postmodern hobby)

16. I really love hanging out with my family. In fact, is one of my favorite things to do (especially when we go to eat Venezuelan style Chinese food… real Chinese food sucks!)

17. I hate being considered an adult, because I’m really not

18. I want to learn how to dance samba and irish step… really!

19. I believe in free markets, small governments, and right-wing dictatorships in developing economies - if you think I’m a monster, please spend a couple of years in Latin-America an suck up the third world version of democracy.

20. I do not believe in unconditional love … in fact, I really recommend against it

21. I believe in the power of music

22. I can eat pasta in whatever shape or form every day (with the same sauce)

23. Assumption is the biggest motherfucker of all

24. I want to learn French and Italian…in fact, I want to live in France (Niece) and Italy (Positano) for a while. Anyone willing to sponsor me?

25. I’m not afraid of dark but I have scared the heck out of my sisters with it… and I do not regret it. Fear is a powerful tool

26. Being the oldest sister sucks most of the time… but when it does not is marvelous!

27. I really like playing soccer but in all honesty I’m terrible

28. My friends have made my world a much better place

29. My mom gets very upset when I miss planes - which is quite often. Ironically, most of the time I’m travelling for business (not to see her!)

30. I do not cry very often… may be I should (or not)

31. There is not much grey in my life, and I like it that way…. Passion is on the extremes!

32. I’m probably one of the best eaters you have ever met, and I’m proud about it

33. I really REALLY love Mexico… but I have to confess that I do not like eating everything with tortillas. In fact, I hate tortillas

34. I still sit at my father’s lap… and I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon

35. I like to think of myself as an open-minded person. But every time I travel to a place where diet coke is not available, I get in a really bad mood (and call the hotel manager to complain)

36. To this day, my mother still asks me whether I brushed my teeth and sends me back to the bathroom to brush my hair because she thinks I look “sloppy” (really!)

37. I love to sleep long hours, but I wish I could act and look like a normal person with 6 hours of sleep

38. I really love having an “undefined” race: I look “local” in most of the western world as long as I keep my mouth shoot.

39. I’m deeply confused culturally speaking: my genetics are european, I was raised in a Latin environment, but professionally and intellectually speaking I’m made in the USA … go you weirdo!

40. My parents are the most awesome couple I have ever met. It is hard to live up to this standard….at least I’m still trying

41. Sometimes I feel guilty about all the opportunities and wonderful things that life has brought to me… I did not do anything to deserve them

42. I mother everybody…. Even my grandmothers! This has earned me the “Mother Superior” title in my family

43. I only have faith on the things I can control… with so much unfairness and suffering how can it be otherwise?

44. I still do not understand the meaning of spirituality… I just try to be good

45. I have lived in the US for almost a decade and still do not get why Seinfeld is funny…

46. I lose stuff all the time, everywhere… the good news is that most of the time I do not even realize it

47. I come from a family of immigrants. I’m refusing to continue the tradition – unsuccessfully

48. The human quality that touches me most deeply is generosity… I’m a sucker for people with HUGE hearts

49. I dream day and night…

50. I love to laugh out loud… and I love people that I can laugh with!

51. Sometimes I think about founding my own country – American discipline, European lifestyle and Latin kindness …. (I would be the president too, obviously)

52. I’m politically incorrect because I like to call things for what they are. At what point in time honesty became a flaw?

53. I do have a couple of psycho-crazy manias: I rather do stuff with odd numbers, and I rather avoid stepping on lines…. I wish I could channel my pysco-craziness to organize my closet and email more neatly but it just has not kicked in

54. I love the sound of email arrival…. I’m an email lover

55. I have stolen little bits of detergent at the laundry room of my building… will I go to jail (or hell)?

56. A man with freckles on his back is music to my eyes

57. I wanted to be a singer/dancer when I was little. My back-up plan was to be a policy maker which did not work out either. I turned out to be a consultant which means that 90% of the time I do not know what I’m doing

58. I’m a die-hard romantic… I know, it does not seem so

59. I do not wear make-up often because I rather sleep 15 min extra. Plus, I like me without make up

60. A man gets to my heart by being able to see far and beyond the obvious


  1. "still do not get why Seinfeld is funny???" lol!! now Denys: stop being funny ok?

  2. Muy bueno tu blog Denys! Me has sacado un montón de sonrisas. Sigue escribiendo.
    Me encantó el número 51 :-).

    Abrazos, Silenia

  3. #25 is so true. To this day I must turn on all lights when i am home alone....and i am almost 32. The classic one is the Exorcist you made me watch one time....sigh, scary.

  4. Creo que no quedo nada por fuera, totalmente tu mi gorda!!!!!!Eres la mejorrrrrrrrr. Me encanto!!!!!!
